Getting Started with Herbalism (FREE Herb Cards)

Herbalism, also known as herbal medicine or botanical medicine, is a form of alternative medicine that utilizes plants and plant extracts to treat and prevent various health conditions. It has been practiced for thousands of years and is still widely used today in many parts of the world. 

How to Get Started Learning About Herbalism

If you are interested in learning about herbs, there are many resources available to help you get started. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Read books: There are many books available on the topic of herbalism. Topics are covered such as plant identification, medicinal properties, and herbal remedies. Look for books written by reputable authors and publishers.
  2. Take courses: Many herbalists offer courses and workshops on the topic of herbalism. These courses can provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with herbs.
  3. Attend events: Attend events such as herb fairs, farmers markets, and herb walks. These events allow you to learn more about different herbs and their uses.
  4. Join a community: Joining a community of like-minded individuals can be a great way to learn about herbs and connect with other people who share your interests. Look for local herbalist groups or online communities.
  5. Experiment: Start experimenting with herbs by growing your own herb garden or trying out different herbal remedies. This can help you gain hands-on experience and learn about the properties of different herbs.
  6. Consult with a qualified herbalist: If you are interested in using herbs for medicinal purposes, it is important to consult with a qualified herbalist or healthcare practitioner. They can provide guidance on how to use herbs safely and effectively.

Overall, learning about herbs can be a fun and rewarding journey. Take your time to explore different resources and experiment with herbs to find what works best for you.

History of Herbalism:

The history of herbalism dates back to ancient times when people used plants and herbs for medicinal purposes. The use of plants for medicinal purposes can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians used herbs such as aloe vera and frankincense for healing. Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered the father of modern medicine, also wrote extensively about the use of herbs for healing.

In traditional Chinese medicine, herbal remedies were commonly used as well. The Chinese believed that herbs had specific properties that could be used to treat different health conditions. Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, also uses herbs extensively to treat various ailments.

Herbalism continued to be practiced throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. During this time, herbalists began to create detailed books on the properties and uses of different plants and herbs. One of the most famous of these books is the “Herbarium” by Apuleius Platonicu. Written in the 4th century, it is considered one of the oldest writings on the subject.

During the 19th century, herbalism began to decline in popularity as modern medicine and pharmaceuticals became more widely available. However, there was a resurgence of interest in herbalism in the 20th century. People began to seek alternative treatments for their health conditions and use a more natural approach.

Today, herbalism is still widely practiced in many parts of the world. Many people are turning to natural remedies for various health conditions, and herbalism is gaining popularity as a form of alternative medicine. With advances in scientific research, there is also growing interest in the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, and their potential use in modern medicine.

Benefits of Herbalism:

Herbalism offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Natural and Safe: Herbal remedies are natural and often have fewer side effects than traditional medications.
  • Holistic Approach: Herbalism focuses on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a particular condition.
  • Cost-effective: Many herbal remedies are affordable and can be easily made at home.
  • Versatility: Herbalism can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including chronic diseases such as diabetes and arthritis.
  • Increased Access: Herbal remedies are often readily available and can be found in health food stores, farmers markets, and online. This makes them accessible to people who may not have access to traditional healthcare options.
  • Supporting Local Communities: Many herbs and plants used in herbal remedies are grown locally, which can support local farmers and the economy.

Current Use of Herbalism:

Herbalism is still widely used today, with many people turning to natural remedies for various health conditions. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, about 80% of the population in some Asian and African countries still rely on traditional medicine, including herbalism. In the Western world, herbalism is gaining popularity as people seek alternative treatments for chronic conditions.

What is Materia Medica

Materia medica is a term used in the field of medicine and pharmacology to refer to a comprehensive list of substances, typically plants, animals, and minerals, that have medicinal properties. It is essentially a catalog or encyclopedia of medicinal substances, containing information about their therapeutic uses, chemical composition, dosage, and potential side effects.

Historically, materia medica was an important part of traditional medicine, with practitioners relying on their knowledge of different plants and minerals to create remedies for various ailments. Today, it continues to be an important area of study in both traditional and modern medicine, as scientists and researchers explore the potential of different substances for treating diseases and improving human health.

For example, here is a free printable PDF of the Materia Medica I have created for 26 herbs. 

You can also watch this video from YouTube.

Herbalism is a form of alternative medicine that has been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent various health conditions. It offers a natural, holistic, and cost-effective approach to healthcare, and is still widely used today in many parts of the world. While herbalism may not be a substitute for modern medicine, it can be a valuable addition to one’s healthcare regimen.


Danielle is a self taught herbalist with a Bachelors Degree in Nutritional Science who has spent years researching herbal properties and their benefits to personal health and homeopathy. She loves drinking lemon ginger tea and tending to her garden, especially when the days are sunny.

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